Privacy Policy

Legal Disclaimer/Privacy Statement

Sigma Alpha Epsilon Legal Disclaimer

The ΣΑΕ Job Board maintains this web site to give the public access to information about various employment-related topics. This is a service that is continually under development. While we try to keep the information timely and accurate, we make no guarantees. No legal advice is being given and no attorney-client relationship created. While certain federal statutes or other laws may be discussed, the laws of each state and often each municipality vary and each may have its own procedures and time limitations, which must be followed. You are not to rely on any information provided herein in assessing your legal rights in a particular situation but instead must consult your own attorney. Disclaimer of:

Neither the
ΣΑΕ Job Board nor any of its agents or consultants shall be liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone's use of the information. In no event shall the ΣΑΕ Job Board or its agents or consultants be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement or substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this web site, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury, including but not limited to those caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of record, whether for breach of contract, tortuous behavior, negligence or under any other cause of action.


This site has been created for the express purpose of providing a link between ΣΑΕ members and employers who are interested in hiring them. By posting your resume on this site, you acknowledge and understand that recruiters may reach out to you directly.

This site has been created for the express purpose of providing a link between
ΣΑΕ members and employers who are interested in hiring them. Individuals who have posted their resumes on this site understand that recruiters may reach out to you directly.

The employer agrees to treat all applicants from this Web site with which it interacts in a nondiscriminatory manner, and agrees to abide by all provisions of federal, state and local antidiscrimination laws with respect to all aspects of the employment relationship, including by not limited to: the interviewing, hiring, promotion, provision of benefits and termination of such individuals.

If the employer requires further information about their obligations and duties under the law, it is advised that the employer consult legal counsel.

The information at this site has been prepared by, or on behalf of, the
ΣΑΕ Job Board for general informational purposes only; does not constitute legal advice; and no warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of any information. This disclaimer applies to both isolated and aggregate uses of the information. Users of information from this site, or any linked web sites, do so on an "as is" basis. All warranties of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, freedom from contamination by computer viruses and non-infringement of proprietary rights are disclaimed. Changes may be periodically made to the information herein; these changes may or may not be incorporated in any new version of the publication. If you have obtained information from the web site from a source other than the ΣΑΕ Job Board, be aware that electronic data can be altered subsequent to original distribution. Data can also quickly become out-of-date. It is recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of any data associated with a file, and that the originator of the data or information be contacted with any questions regarding appropriate use. If you find any errors or omissions, we encourage you to report them to the ΣΑΕ Job Board's web support contact at

Transmission of information from this site is not intended to create, and its receipt does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship between the
ΣΑΕ Job Board or any of its agents or consultants, and you or anyone else. Electronic mail or other communication to the ΣΑΕ Job Board, or any of its agents or consultants resulting from your receipt of information from this site cannot be guaranteed to be confidential and will not, and should not be construed to, create an attorney-client relationship between the ΣΑΕ Job Board or any of its agents or consultants and you or anyone else. Parties seeking advice should consult with legal counsel familiar with their particular circumstances.

ΣΑΕ Job Board is a distributor of content sometimes supplied by third parties and users. Any opinions, advice, statements, services, offers, or other information or content expressed or made available by third parties, including information providers, users, or others, are those of the respective author(s) or distributor(s) and do not necessarily state or reflect those of the ΣΑΕ Job Board and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the ΣΑΕ Job Board.

ΣΑΕ Job Board is not responsible for the contents of any off-site pages referenced. The user specifically acknowledges that is not liable for the defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of other users, links, or third parties and that the risk of injury from the foregoing rests entirely with the user. Links from the ΣΑΕ Job Board on the Internet to other sites do not constitute an endorsement from the ΣΑΕ Job Board. These links are provided as an information service only. It is the responsibility of the web surfer to evaluate the content and usefulness of information obtained from other sites.

Due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, resources that are free and publicly available one day may require a fee or restricted access the next, and the location of items may change as menus, homepages, and files are reorganized. The user expressly agrees that use of the
ΣΑΕ Job Board web site is at the user's sole risk. The ΣΑΕ Job Board does not warrant that the service will be uninterrupted or error free. The documents and related graphics published on this server could contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically added to the information herein. The ΣΑΕ Job Board and/or its respective programs may make improvements and/or changes in the information and/or programs described herein at any time.

COPYRIGHT shall remain the sole and exclusive owner of all rights, title and interest in and to all specifically copyrighted information created and posted for inclusion in this system.

The ΣΑΕ Job Board Privacy Statement

The ΣΑΕ Job Board is committed to respecting the privacy of our users. We strive to provide a safe, secure user experience. This Privacy Statement (the "Statement") sets forth the online data collection and usage policies and practices that apply to all the ΣΑΕ Job Board (also referred to as "we" or "our") Web sites (unless a different privacy statement is specifically made applicable). By using the ΣΑΕ Job Board Web site, you consent to the policies and practices described in this Statement and future revisions, as described below.

Your data will be stored and processed in whole or in part in the United States. If you access the ΣΑΕ Job Board Web site outside the United States, your usage of that site constitutes consent to the transfer of your data out of your country and to the United States.

Our sites contain links to other Web sites over which we have no control. The ΣΑΕ Job Board is not responsible for the content, privacy policies or practices of other Web sites to which you choose to link from the ΣΑΕ Job Board Web site. We encourage you to review those other Web sites so you can understand how they collect, use and share your information. This Privacy Statement applies solely to the information we collect on the ΣΑΕ Job Board Web site, and does not apply to information we collect in any other fashion.

Collection and Retention of Information
In some areas of our Web site, the
ΣΑΕ Job Board requests or may request that you provide personal information, including your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, fax number, credit card number, social security number, contact information, billing information and any other information from which your identity is discernible. In other areas, the ΣΑΕ Job Board collects or may collect demographic information that is not unique to you such as your ZIP code, age, preferences, gender, interests and favorites. Sometimes we collect or may collect a combination of the two types of information. Examples of areas on the ΣΑΕ Job Board Web site where we collect personal or combined personal and demographic data are pages where you can sign up to use a service, register for an event, complete a Contact Us form, complete a survey and complete a resume, job or employment program/service provider posting.

In addition, the ΣΑΕ Job Board may indirectly collect information about you when you use certain third party services on our Web site. For example, if you register on our site by using your Microsoft Passport user name and password, you authorize us to have access to and store the information in your Passport account profile; such information will be subject to, and treated in accordance with, the policies and practices described in this Statement.

We also gather or may gather certain information about your use of our site, such as what areas you visit and what services you access. Moreover, there is information about your computer hardware and software that is or may be collected by the ΣΑΕ Job Board. This information can include without limitation your IP address, browser type, domain names, access times and referring Web site addresses.

The ΣΑΕ Job Board may sometimes afford you the opportunity to provide descriptive, cultural, behavioral, preferential and/or life style information about yourself, but it is solely up to you whether you furnish such information. If you do provide such information, you are thereby consenting to the use of that information in accordance with this Statement. For example, such information may be used for the purpose of determining your potential interest in receiving email or other communications about particular employment opportunities, products, events or services.

Unless otherwise noted, all information described above will be referred to as "Information."

Please remember that if you post any of your personal information in public areas of the ΣΑΕ Job Board, such as on resume, job and employment program/service provider postings or in online forums or chat rooms, such information may be collected and used by others over whom the ΣΑΕ Job Board has no control. We are not responsible for the use made by third parties of information you post or otherwise make available in public areas of the ΣΑΕ Job Board.

We retain indefinitely all the information we gather about you in an effort to make your repeat use with us more efficient, practical, and relevant. Of course you can correct or update your resume, job, employment program/service provider posting at any time. Moreover, you can delete your resumes, job postings employment program/service provider posting from our online database in which event we will remove all our copies of your these postings except for an archival copy which is not accessible on the Internet.

Use of Information by the ΣΑΕ Job Board
We use the information we gather on the
ΣΑΕ Job Board Web site, whether personal, demographic, collective or technical, for the purpose of operating and improving the ΣΑΕ Job Board Web site and Consortium, fostering a positive user experience, and delivering the products and services that we offer.

We may also use the information we gather to inform you of other products or services available from the ΣΑΕ Job Board or its affiliated companies or to contact you about your opinion of current products and services or potential new products and services that may be offered.

We may use your contact information in order to send you communications, information and promotions including without limitation free informational newsletters and career management advice from the ΣΑΕ Job Board and other communications regarding updates at the ΣΑΕ Job Board site, such as new the ΣΑΕ Job Board opportunities and additional listings which may be of interest to you. The nature and frequency of these messages will vary depending upon the information we have about you.

We have an area where you can submit feedback. Any feedback you submit in this area becomes our property, and you agree that we can use such feedback (such as success stories) for marketing purposes or contact you for further information.

Disclosure of Information to Others
We do not disclose to third parties your personal information, combined personal and demographic information or information about your use of the
ΣΑΕ Job Board Web site (such as the areas you visit or the services you access), except as set forth in the following four subparagraphs.

  1. We may disclose such information to third parties if you consent to such disclosure. For example, if you indicate that you would like to receive information about the products or services of third parties, we may supply your contact information to third parties such as employers, recruiters, employment programs, vocational counselors, job developers, job seekers, data aggregators, marketers or others for the purpose of sending you e-mail or otherwise communicating with you. We may use data we have about you (such as the interests and preferences you have expressed) to determine whether you might be interested in the products, services, or resources of a particular third-party.
  2. We may disclose such information to companies and individuals we hire to perform services on our behalf. For example, we may hire others to host our Web servers, analyze data, provide marketing assistance, process credit card payments, and provide customer service. These companies and individuals will have access to your personal information as necessary to perform their functions.
  3. We may disclose such information if legally required to do so, if requested to do so by a governmental entity or if we believe in good faith that such action is necessary to: (a) conform to legal requirements or comply with legal process; (b) protect the rights or property of the ΣΑΕ Job Board or its affiliated companies; (c) prevent a crime or protect national security; or (d) protect the personal safety of users or the public.
  4. We may disclose and transfer such information to a third party who acquires all or a substantial portion of our business, whether such acquisition is by way of merger, consolidation or purchase of all or a substantial portion of our assets.

Resume Postings
Since the
ΣΑΕ Job Board is a career site, we give job seekers the option of putting your resume in our database. All users of the the ΣΑΕ Job Board Website have access to our searchable resume database (or copies thereof). Potentially, your current employer and the general public will be able to view your resume. You should consider this fact when deciding whether to post your resume. We are not responsible for the disclosures to, or uses made of, resumes by third parties who access such resumes while they are in our searchable database. You may remove your resume posting from our searchable database at any time. However, employers, recruiters, job developers, vocational counselors and others who have access to that database or to obtain a copy of that database, as well as parties who have otherwise gained access to the database, may have retained a copy of your resume in their own files or databases. We are not responsible for the retention, use or privacy of resumes in these instances.

Job Postings
Since the
ΣΑΕ Job Board is a career site, we give employers the option of putting your job postings in our database. All users of the ΣΑΕ Job Board Web site have access to our searchable job database (or copies thereof). We are not responsible for the disclosures to, or uses made of, job postings by third parties who access such job postings while they are in our searchable database. You may remove your job postings from our searchable database at any time. However, job seekers, recruiters, job developers, vocational counselors and others who have access to that database or to obtain a copy of that database, as well as parties who have otherwise gained access to the database, may have retained a copy of your job posting in their own files or databases. We are not responsible for the retention, use or privacy of job postings in these instances.

Employment Program/Service Provider Postings
Since the
ΣΑΕ Job Board is a career site, we give employment programs and service providers the option of putting employment program and service provider postings, including EmployAlliance postings, in our database. All users of the ΣΑΕ Job Board Web site have access to our searchable employment program/service provider databases (or copies thereof). We are not responsible for the disclosures to, or uses made of, employment program/service provider postings by third parties who access such postings while they are in our searchable database. You may remove your information from our searchable database at any time. However, employers, job seekers, recruiters, job developers, vocational counselors, employment program organizations and others who have access to that database or to obtain a copy of that database, as well as parties who have otherwise gained access to the database, may have retained a copy of your employment program/service provider postings in their own files or databases. We are not responsible for the retention, use or privacy of employment program/service provider postings in these instances.

Updating Your Information
You may review, correct, update or change your account profile information by sending an email to and letting us know the corrected or changed information. If you opted to receive automatically generated e-mails about matches to your job or resume posting and subsequently change your mind, you may opt-out by logging onto your the
ΣΑΕ Job Board resume or job posting account and indicating the change through a checkbox on the resume or job posting form. If you opt not to receive Email alerts or phone calls from the ΣΑΕ Job Board Information Specialists about job opportunities and service provider resources that match your resume, send an email to to indicate the change. If you opt not to receive Email alerts or phone calls from the ΣΑΕ Job Board Information Specialists about resumes and service provider resources that match your job posting, send an email to to indicate the change. You understand that prior disclosures may have occurred and that we cannot retroactively change any effects of such disclosures.

ΣΑΕ Job Board has implemented reasonable technical and organizational measures designed to secure your personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration or disclosure. However, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will never be able to defeat those measures or use your personal information for improper purposes.

ΣΑΕ Job Board is not intended for children under 13 years of age. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13.

Changes to Statement
We reserve the right to change this Statement and apply such changes retroactively to Information we possess. If we decide to change this Statement, we will post those changes here so that you will always know what information we gather, how we might use that information, and to whom we will disclose it. If you have questions or concerns about Statement, please email us at

Contact Information
We welcome your comments concerning this Statement. If you believe that we have not adhered to this Statement, please contact us by e-mailing us at We will use commercially reasonable efforts to promptly determine and remedy the problem.

Thank you for using the ΣΑΕ Job Board!